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Treasure Chasers Blog

Building a Short Set of Walking Liberty Half Dollars on the PCGS Set Registry
Assembling a short set of Walking Liberty Half Dollars is a rewarding journey for many coin collectors.

Found Treasure: The Northwoods Collection of Maine Obsolete Currency
Numismatic collectors' passions ignite over the exclusive and rare finds of the Northwoods Collection of Maine Obsolete Currency.

The Beauty and History of United States Classic Silver Commemorative Coins
Commemorative coins serve the purpose of recognizing and honoring important people, places, things, and events.

Finding Hidden Treasure: What are Obsolete Bank Notes?
Obsolete Bank Notes are private bank-backed paper currency issued before the Civil War by state chartered banks.

These colorful world coins will enhance your collection
When we first looked at these colorful world coins, we were drawn to the vibrant colors, luster, strike, and designs.

Unique This Year From CAC
NEW! Signature Labels--NEW! Price CACG has entered the realm of signature labels, a pioneering move that adds a new dimension to building...
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